Being so in love that it feels like everything is taken as one organism through the senses. Eating together as one, listening to music, dancing, beholding the world and being touched. So does it matter where we are?
Once I was in Paris with my fresh lover to celebrate life. In Musée d’Orsay he sat down … waiting for me. Art turned out not to fascinate him much after all and so ‘our’ eyes became his eyes again and my eyes became mine again. I saw just about everything there was to see in the Musée d’Orsay, while he sat impassively, patiently and somewhat stoically, waiting.
At the very top, in room 40, I met Odilon Redon and my love shifted. Through Redon’s eyes I saw the beauty of the sea, we shared our fascinations and we understood without needing words that Venus must have been born from a shell and we laughed together about this … we forgot the time.
I would still want to mention that the love for Redon proved more enduring than the other one. GG